2019年5月18日,学院召开第五届国际咨询委员会(International Advisory Committee, 简称IAC)会议暨亚欧互联互通国际论坛,中外专家学者齐聚北京交通大学红果园宾馆多功能厅,围绕“亚欧互联互通”主题,共商全球新形势下面临的机遇与挑战,积极探索亚欧联通背景下商学院的建设与发展。
澳大利亚迪肯大学副校长 沈伟
记者:各位腾讯的网友大家好,这里是北京交通大学经济管理学院第五届国际咨询委员会的会议现场。坐在我旁边的这位就是澳大利亚迪肯大学副校长Prof. Wei Shen,请您做一下自我介绍。
沈伟:Hello everyone, my name is Wei Shen. I am professor at Deakin University and also, I am an associate pro vice-chancellor of international relations at Deakin, which is located in Melbourne and is in Australia.
沈伟: I say this is a very important topic and connectivity is very important in globalization. The connectivity is in terms of economic, but also in terms of people to people dialogue. and here, nowadays we see a lot of block of nations, and there are also more and more gaps between the nations and for instance the current trade war between china and us is a very good example about globalization and anti-globalization. The activity is very important not only for a single nation but for the world as a whole. And especially the connectivity between Europe and Asia is vital. And the current initiated proposed by china—the belt and road initiated, is an excellent response to the issues what we have, which it is the lack of connectivity. And in terms of infrastructure, in terms of projects which have transnational impact, and also access to balancing. So, the connectivity is a great response to the current issues in globalization and helps nations to work together in a collective way rather than fighting with each other. And certainly, the connectivity doesn’t stop in business, it is also important for people to people dialog. That’s why we are looking for Chinese government to provide scholarships for belt and road countries, which will enhance human movements and as well as the cultural and educational exchange between belt and road countries.
沈伟:I think I have already talked about the question in the previous one. I think education is the most important one in my perspective. Because the people who build the dialogue is the bond to build connections in the long term and education is important for the future generation. particularly for belt and road countries, also for other countries in Asian and Europe, there is a lack of awareness among the young people and for instance, for country like china, we were not allowed to reach the United States and Australia. We know a few information about our neighboring countries, like India. therefor I think you know, education has a great role to play to cultivate future generation in Asian and Europe, and particularity through student exchange. for instance, the country I am from, Australia, we have the new plan to provide opportunity for young people like university students to spend time abroad whether it is for full semester or whether it is for short time mobility programs into Asian neighbors. This is very important because this program provides very important funding for youth to experience another culture, to appreciate the difference and opportunities in Asian pacific. So, we hope there will be more initiatives like this in Asian but also in Europe for young people to have opportunity to live, to study and to experience aboard. the memories they gain when they experience abroad will beneficial for them for the rest of life. therefore, I think business road also has a great role to play in cultivating programs, in creating opportunities for student exchange or integrated learning and for research opportunities. and more people will benefit and experience the diversity of Asian and Europe.
记者:Thanks for being with us.
沈伟:Oh, my pleasure.