北交大经管院国际咨询委员Jae Wook Kim:技术进步将进一步推动亚欧联通

时间:2019-05-28 10:38      

2019年5月18日,学院召开第五届国际咨询委员会(International Advisory Committee, 简称IAC)会议暨亚欧互联互通国际论坛,中外专家学者齐聚北京交通大学红果园宾馆多功能厅,围绕“亚欧互联互通”主题,共商全球新形势下面临的机遇与挑战,积极探索亚欧联通背景下商学院的建设与发展。

韩国高丽大学商学院 院长 Prof. Jae Wook Kim



Prof. Jae Wook Kim:Hi my name is Joe Kim. I’m a dean of Korea University Business School, one of the leading business school in Korea, which was established in 1905 and currently one of the top 100 business school in the world by QS evaluation.


Prof. Jae Wook Kim:I feel that on the connectivity between Asia and Europe in a way is a transformation that currently that in the global scale there is a big change in how we explain the conduct our life with the advancement of IT technology. What I see here in Thomasville the similarity of the connectivity between two continents, if you go back to the history is that if you think about the Tang Dynasty through the Silk Road, west and east met in the way and would that interaction there were lots of exchange of new ideas and new things between two continents. Now with the technology called Digital Transpiration technology, what is happening is you are so what is happening in one society is also happening in different society, but maybe the way we think about the changes to call these Transformations and the things that we do about it might be a bit different because we have different perspective on how we actually deal with the changes and how to progress for the changes. So sharing the idea about how we think about this tax information from Western or European perspective as well as Asian perspective is very important, so, for example in the Eastern sector in terms of Technology by China and Japan have been leading the technological changes but if you think about financial sectors in Hongkong and Singapore have had very strong business and financial industry and also led a financial investment in Asian continent. If you think about the European continent in the countries like you feeling of course there has been a German, a British, and French, and Italian development but recently, at the forefront of the digital transformation as well as why countries are also investing a lot, so there is a lot of things that we can learn from each other and how to apply the digital transformation (digital technology) into how we actually teach our students in management education becomes very important. Sharing ideas and then connecting those students and also I was College together will become a very important activities for the future of genes education in both continent.


Prof. Jae Wook Kim:There can be many different kinds of exchanges of thoughts and ideas and new things between two different cultures in a broad sense but as the human being has been making progress, I think it has become an important linking point of different cultures and different countries. Because we are involved in business education where that business is a very important role in connecting different cultures in different countries. The connectivity of European continent and Asian continent, or European countries and Asian countries, we can now do that through the business as well as the business education where in the past it was more to the cultural exchanges and things like that. But now the business can play an important role in connecting two cultures, two continents, and actually helping to communities to come together and make something better for the whole Edge manatee.

记者:Thanks for the interview.

Prof. Jae Wook Kim:Thank you

